* Exposities en activiteiten "Gallery On the Edge". *
* Activiteiten "Scala Experience". *
1: Begane grond Museum/gallery "On the Edge"
2: Gallery "On the Edge", the atmospheric gallery at the house
3: The big gallery
4: Magisch realistisch
5: Mythologie
6: Fresco's
7: Modern
8: Portret
9: Sing & Smile bar
10: Opening gallery "On the Edge" Fabiola
11: Opening met Emile Ratelband
12: Expositie "40 voor 100", opening door Stella Bergsma.
13: Exposities
14: Over ons "Scala Experience".
15: Impressie:Foto's, kunstzinnige en spirituele dagen/weekend
16: Recensies kunstzinnige & spirituele dagen
17: Impressie:Foto's, Escaperoom